Monday, June 30, 2008

Vetrans & Rookies hanging out back

I just came in from a visit out back to check on the gang. I couldn't believe I ran into Brownie! Wow...I haven't seen her in a while! She is Ringer and Belle's sister from my first gang. She was more than happy to get some treats and a good back scratch from mom again! It was good to hear her bark too! Yup....she actually barks at any of the other coonies that come near her. It is a very distinctive bark and I would recognize it anywhere. And why was she barking do you say?? Because she had 4 little ones in tow now! She's the most protective mom I have out there, keeping everyone at bay when she has kits and it's good to see that hasn't changed. They were at a different feeding station than the "kit daycare tree" and everyone else was more than happy to give them their space.

Next in was Ringer, Lexi and their crew. They and their kits get along very well together. It was very cute watching the kits greet each other and say hi!

Daisy came in next, followed by Popeye. He's walking around fine on his foot again. On my way out I ran into Screech, also walking well on his foot. The newly released gang seems to finally be settling in to their new domain. I think Foxy was out there too, there was a pair of eyes with Daisy, but a little too shy to come in to say hi. Last time I saw Daisy the same thing happened but I managed to get a peek at the body behind the eyes and it was Foxy so I think this is the same situation.

Lots more racket going on in the woods, but the massive swarm of mosquito's got the better of me....even in my goofy looking mosquito netting clothes!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The cuteness continues.

Mother!!!! Are you going to come in and play with us or what!
Seeker (aka Dumbo!!) Still waiting for him to grow into those ears! of the terrible twosome.

Fun in the hammock with Seeker....


Stinky again.....

Nosey, the other half of the terrible twosome....

Clover again.....

Tugger making her way to mom's lap.

Little Teddy masters the big trees.

Growler wrestling in mom's lap as usual!

Tugger splashes around.

Seeker wants up into mom's lap.

Teddy in all his cuteness.

Clover tugging on the string holding my sweatpants up!


Buster sees something interesting out there.

Clover reclines in the hammock.

Growler says Mom!! Pick me up!!!!

Went out back last night and ran into Red, Belle, Foxy, Daisy and Popeye. Popeye is limping again but quick enough to run away and climb trees so I think he'll be fine. I'll keep going out to check on him. Since I let Screech go (again!) the other night, they have the cage for refuge if needed. There were lots of other eyes out there but no one else came in to pay a visit.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


How cute are they!?? Almost as cute as raccoons. Here are 7 orphaned bunnies I ended up with Monday. I've been a busy girl adding these guys to the feeding schedule! I'm no expert on the bunny rehab though! Luckily for me JoAnne is!! She gave me all the info I needed to care for these delicate little guys until she was able to pick them up today. Now they are in the hands of the best and I should see them again soon when JoAnn brings them back here to release them!

Some more playtime for Tosser and Mohican and a little snooze for Tugger in the afternoon mixed into these pics. How relaxed does she look on that shelf! Silly girl!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Casual dining

I think it is safe to say the gang feels pretty relaxed while eating at the Coondo Restaurant!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Graduation, cheerios & playtime.

The 8 older kids have graduated to staying out in the big boys cage full time now! Plus they have the added indoor room open to them now. Belle and the girls never returned to it so the kids now have more room to run, climb and play!

Seeker still hasn't grown into his ears!

Growler enjoys an animal cracker.

Buster is just too cute for words...a VERY relaxed eater!

Tugger enjoying lunch and making sure I get a good close up!

Growler and Buster rough housing in the hammock.

Clover relaxing (very briefly!) in the hammock.

Buster enjoys a cheerio in his usual relaxed manner.

Seeker also enjoys Cheerios in the hammock, until a wrestling Teddy & Clover drive him out.

Teddy poses for his closeup!

Seeker wants up in mommy's lap!

Growler enjoys a tummy tickle in mommy's lap.

Teddy helps mom give Tugger some tickles.

Seeker poses for his closeup.

Clover plays with mom.

Growler and Buster are the first to explore the new room.

I was out briefly on Wednesday night around midnight and no one was at the feeding station. I did run into Popeye with his sister Foxy this time at one of the other raised feeders. It was great to see them still hanging out together and they were both looking great!