Sunday, March 16, 2008

Capture accomplished!

Well I spent another night out in the woods last night. I spent 6 hours sitting under a tree waiting for my injured coonie kid to come down! I am officially the crazy coon lady in this neck of the woods!

She finally did and I managed to snag her this time. It is Dandy and her injury is horrific. My wonderful vet had a look at her today, and had she not been eating, drinking and getting along as well as she has been, euthanasia might have been recommended. But since she has been coping, tomorrow she will go into surgery and another vet will get a closer look at the damage and we'll assess it from there. I am hoping for the best, but trying not to get my hopes up too high.

Look what a cutie she is. Is it any wonder why I have gone to such lengths for her??!

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