Saturday, March 1, 2008

Night Watch

Last night a few of the kids were getting a last minute meal in before the snow started. Dandy and Siren were hanging around in a tree near the overwinters in the release pen.

Red was all playful and happy! She jumped down from the platform she was on, onto my shoulder and proceeded to bounce around on my head and play tug 'o war with my pony tail!

Then I noticed someone poking their head out of one of the den boxes. I checked it out and was happy to see Paleface...she was my first baby from the first group I rehabbed, and she looks great. When I went back down there today she was still in there! Could my girl be getting ready for kids this year??? Not sure if she was just avoiding the storm or using it for a visit, but I'll keep an eye on the situation and of course keep you posted!

Here she was this afternoon....poked her head out to say Hi and have a treat. This is the den box Belle used last year to have her kits in. Pale didn't have any babies last year so maybe this year she is ready!

Meanwhile the overwinters are hanging out and having fun. Turns out Daisy is going into heat and the boys are all over her. The other female, Foxy, is luckily not in heat yet!! Here she sits calmly looking on trying to figure out what all the fuss is over Daisy! What a cutie!

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