Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pool Party

Today was a balmy 51 degrees. The ice in the coonie pool finally melted enough for me to remove the big chunk of ice! So I emptied and cleaned the pool, and gave the kids a little springtime pool party. They were THRILLED!! First a few moments to calmly test the waters......

Then watch out! The fun began! Splashing around like maniacs, wrestling and jumping and just plain ole' goin' crazy!! I think this face says it all. Look at that mischievous grin! You just know he's getting ready to start something!

Getting pummeled in the pool was fun, but hiding in here is fun too! No one will find me!

She doesn't need anyone else in the pool with her to have fun! She makes her own fun!

Oh YUCK! This doesn't taste as good as it looked!

It was so much fun watching them enjoy their little treat today. It's been a long winter without any water to swim and play in. Hopefully that's all behind us and spring is here to stay at last! Pretty soon the gang will have a big pond to play in, not just a little coonie pool, once they are released.

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