Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Raccoons & Squirrels & Sarge! Oh my!!

I haven't seen Sarge since the end of December and I was so excited to see him last night! He had a couple battle scars on his muzzle, but nothing major and he looked really good. He was a little skittish, but did come over and say hi briefly before snatching a treat and running off with it! He was one of my "mamma's boys" from this past summer. Goofball was the other mamma's boy and I haven't had any confirmed sightings of him in a long time either, not since the end of November. I hope he is OK. This is Sarge on the right, Goofball on the left... (Goof is also the baby holding the bottle on a blue fleece in the pics in the right margin,)

And another of Sarge....such a handsome boy!! It's amazing how different they look as time goes by.

Here one of the gang says "Cheese!" for the camera before heading home to bed.

I ran into Sarge around Midnight. I ended up with an adult squirrel that had been hit by a car while working, and by the time I got him home and stabilized it was about Midnight and decided since I was up.....I might as well check it out. I'm so glad I did or I wouldn't have run into Sarge. So I have a poor injured squirrel to thank for that.

I brought the squirrel to Tufts Wildlife center in Groton this morning since he did well overnight and seemed stable. He's in good hands, getting x-rays and pain meds and treatment. They will let me know tomorrow if he is in any condition for rehabilitation or if he has to be euthanized due to head trauma and a shoulder injury. I'll take him back to recover here should his injuries be such that he will be releasable eventually. Lets all give lots of good thought out to him and hope for the best!

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