Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our wildlife ambassador, Tosser.

Our little guy Tosser is doing great! He's up to 184 grams and growing like a weed. He's starting to get a little darker also! He's become a famous boy, with a story in the Saugus town paper and he's been filmed by the Boston Globe for an article. I don't know if his footage will end up in the clip or not, but he's definitely had his 15 minutes of fame.

I cannot think of a cuter ambassador to represent our beloved wildlife, especially the coonies, in a positive light for a change!

We are aiming for a Thursday release for the overwinters. Hopefully the weather will be good for a few days. They are definitely ready to go and I think they will love their freedom! Get ready to say your good byes to Daisy, Buddy, Screech, Whitey, Popeye and Foxy. (sniff, sniff!!) I hate saying goodbye and the fact that I cannot protect them all the time anymore! But I love seeing them enjoy their freedom!

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