Sunday, July 13, 2008

And then there was light....and a bunny update!

Remember those 7 tiny bunnies I had for a couple of days before JoAnn could take them?? Well here they are now!! Amazing! They are adorable and doing great! Cottontails are VERY fragile and difficult to rehab, but JoAnne is awesome and works miracles with the little guys. All 7 have grown into very cute, fuzzy bunnie balls of fur and it will not be long before they come back to my place for release with all the other bunnies JoAnn has raised and released here. Kudos to JoAnn!!!!

Dad was back to help out. There is no electricity in any of the pens etc. At night, I usually have to juggle holding a flashlight in one hand, while changing litter boxes, feeding and fending off climbing raccoons with the other. Thanks to Dad, I now have both hands free AND I can see what I am doing at night! Wooohoooooooo! He built a little box into the wall of the pen so I can put a light inside it that climbing coons and bad weather cannot get to. All it takes is a couple of long extension cords from the house to the box, plugged into the the light inside and presto! Night time care is a breeze now! Sometimes it's the little things that get ya all excited! ha ha

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