Friday, August 1, 2008

New kids and updates on the old.

We've got some new additions to the crowd that have been put in the release pen out back. These kits were older when taken in so they are less social towards us! Just as well for them and their release, pain in the butt for us when we have to vaccinate, worm etc. though. We have 2 girls that came from Laurie, Stormy and Thunder. Here you can see them making an appearance for food of course! One girl was brave enough to come out and grab her treat....very cautiously!
Those ears say it all! haha!

The other girl just waited inside the box for me to throw her treat into her! Then there is a little boy....Huffer was to quick to even get a picture. Literally dove out, snatched it and ran back inside! He was a single kit raised by another rehabber and finally ready to be brought into a group to be socialized with other coons.

Finally we have this adorable little girl. She was also a single coon raised by another rehabber. Unlike the other 3 though, she is a sweetheart and wants to play! She is unsure with the other coonies right now, but she will eventually adjust and rely less on me for companionship and play.

After getting the 4 of them settled overnight and making sure they could all get along, I brought Buster and Seeker down to join them. They are very easy going and should help get the little girl to start playing with other coonies. I'll probably add Growler and Tugger to the mix tomorrow also. They are all the bigger kids that will definitely be ready to go by fall.

Little Quinny is with JoAnn now. She has a little boy Rollo that was a single and needed a friend and Quinny was the closest in size. I miss my little man, but he'll be back plus soon as they are ready for the big kids pen both of them will be back here.

The terrible twosome and Mohican are officially weaned and Tosser is not far behind. He's down to getting a bottle once a day and only if he seems to need it. Sometimes he starts sucking his "little pee pee" (hehe) if he doesn't get his morning bottle....but that is starting to taper off thank goodness.

Our little friends the possie's are with Laurie now and she tells me they are doing great and all starting to eat on their own. It won't be long before they are reunited with their 4 siblings at Mary's again!

So right now we've got 9 up in the main cage....Growler, Tugger, Roxy, Teddy, Clover, Nosey, Stinky, Mo and Toto......and 6 out back in the release cage....Buster, Seeker, Stormy, Thunder, Huffer and the yet to be named sweetheart of a girl.....and Rollo and Quinny will be joining us at a later date.

While checking on the gang out back in the release pen last night I ran into Daisy, Popeye and Lexi with her kits. Tonight I ran into Red, Foxy, Fuzzball and Daisy again. Gave Laurie a quick call and she was able to make it over in time to get a chance to visit with Daisy. It was great and Daisy was very happy to see her mom again! Everyone looks great!

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