Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The late kits out back.

Well I'm not the only one taking care of kits late in the season! I had been seeing a coonie make regular visits during the day.....and now I know why! Here she is bringing her new gang out to hang with the rest of the crew out there. I think there are 4 of them so she's got her hands full! I was never quite sure who she was....but if I had to venture a guess, it would be Whitey....Ringer & Belle's sister. I haven't seen her in a while but she looks very similar and although she wouldn't let me get too close, she tolerated my presence without going into a total panic and taking off....so she knows me.

The fact that she's started bringing them out also explains why I haven't seen her during the day any more in a while. Very cute! It also explains all the noise last night when I went out to visit. I kept hearing a lot of chattering like little kits calling mom but thought there had to be another reason....all the kits are older! Well here's the explanation in black & white! It WAS the chattering of little kits calling mom!
Ran into Red, Silly, Brownie, Popeye, Fuzz and various other older kits willing to come just close enough to grab a few treats thrown to them.

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