Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The new overwinters.

The little kids are officially the overwinters now. Tosser, Mo, Nosey, Stinky, Rollo and Quinny are doing great. Here are some pics of them hanging out, eating grapes, and playing in the big pen (the first time for little Quinny and Rollo). I'm amazed at how well Quinny gets around for such a little guy, but still don't want to leave him unattended in the big section til he's bigger.

Coons eating grapes! Always with the head tilted up to get all the yummy juices down the gullet!

Quinny checks out the big pen for the first time.

Rollo checks out one of the lounging twins..I think it's Nosey.

The ever growing Tosser!




Mo wrestles Quinny

The (not so anymore!) terrible twosome....Nosey & Stinky

Toto...he's just so damn cute!!!


Rollo having fun



Laurie and I are planning on getting the older 8 left in the back release pen over to Mary's today. That should be an interesting adventure!! We'll be working on a new cage for the possies while we are hanging out over there making sure everyone adjusts and gets along.

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