Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hissy is back!

I've got lots of geese on the pond...but there is only one that actually shows up begging (and even comes when I call out to him!) when he sees me every year! My old pal Hissy (and his lovely wife). Since all the geese have been returning I have been keeping an eye out for him...but no sign. Then this morning I went to check the sooner do I finish that when I hear a familiar hissing coming from behind me. So I turn around and surprise! There he is begging as usual! LOL. They must have seen me come down and swam over to greet me.
So I pushed my way through the brush with a treat for my friend and we had a nice visit on a beautiful, sunny, 65 degree morning! It's good to see him back....and it means spring is gonna be here soon!!

The pond is also filling with the rest of the regulars. 2 pair of swans are back, along with lots of wood and mallard ducks.

And my other usual visitor to my front lawn is back too! My little muskrat friend was out for a while.

The chippy's are out and the beavers too and all the birds are's wonderful to have so much life back home!

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