Monday, March 9, 2009

A little more snow this past weekend...not much, just a couple inches. It's pretty mild temperature-wise also, so it's wet, heavy snow and melting quickly. It's not slowing down the gang though! They were all over the place...throughout the snow fall even.

The tree raccoon has been showing up off and on. Always in the same tree, in the same spot. I've come to the conclusion that it is the balcony of it's home tree, or the summer vacation spot that it's been using in the milder weather! I can't get a clear shot of the front of it when I walk around the other side of the tree, but with the binoculars it seems fine.

I checked it out the other day as it was curled with it's nose under it's tail, one eye wide open, watching and intentionally ignoring the crazy lady down below yelling to it, disturbing the afternoon nap!! LOL! It literally had a look on it's face like..."Not again!! What the hell now.......!!"

Video at the coon den and feeding stations are showing no raccoons with signs of illness so far, thank god!

Otherwise...4 squirrels, 1 bat and all the coonie overwinters are status -quo.

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