Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our returning raccoon kids...Seeker & Winnie!!

Well I just got back from a wonderful dinner out with Laurie and Mary....I needed to get out!
When we got back to Mary's we caught sight of a couple of ring tails scooting away in the dark! We went out calling and it wasn't long before Winnie came running in to visit and play. A little more patience and her cohort was discovered......Seeker! He was much more shy, but he still let his mom come over and give him a Hi, a good chin scratching and of course some marshmallows!
I was so happy to see Winnie and Seeker...they both looked GREAT and it was a much better end to my week!! If I didn't have to get up bright and early to work in the morning, I could have spent hours out there hoping to see more!

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