Friday, April 24, 2009

Bottles & baby raccoons-a demonstration!

Our little boy Peanut here is going to show us how is is possible for such a little creature to use such a big bottle to eat.
As you can see, he's just a little guy.....about 110grams now.....and the nipple is about as big as his muzzle. But looks can be deceiving!!

Because once they open that's huge in there! A very big mouth, with a very large flat tongue that curls perfectly around a large nipple with a vacuum seal! And yes....big mouths mean big noise too...he's got a set of lungs on him alright!

Our little boy Razz is over twice the size of Peanut, weighing in at about 230grams now and doing great. He's an eating, pooping machine....and it's normal poops now! One more week and he's out of quarantine.
Turn the light out, I'm tryin' to sleep here lady!!!

Still waiting on the Animal Rescue League to assess Peanut & Cinnamon's mom and her situation. It's not a high priority though, since the rest of the babies are safe with it's basically just a waiting game now, but at least I don't have to stress over their safety!

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