Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Finally!!! A sunny day off!

I finally managed to end up with a day off that was sunny to work on the new cage!
Started the day with some coffee.....
....Made a couple of phone calls....

...then fed and played with the babies for a while.

Then on to the 3 that were last moved into the shed. Flipper, Willy and Einstein ran around wreaking havoc as usual while I cleaned their cage.....

And the new cage with the 10 little devils that are more than ready for a bigger cage! I got Goldie and the 3 bears out there along with Razz & Diesel's group. Throw in a little decor like trees, branches, a den box and other various fun things to climb on and play in....

....and oh what a fun time for all!!! All 10 use the den box and the litter boxes they way they should and are now permanently out there and as thrilled as can be about it.

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