Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chewing on mother & other fun activities!

Awwww! They seem like such angels! NOT!! LOL....Cat is acting all sweet while saying hi to mom, but Diesel is already chewing on my fingers.
....and Tank goes for the leg...(is it any wonder I wear holey, crappy clothes in there! They are the one't that make the holes actually.)

Cat finally gets in on the action.

Grizz thinks Hmmmmmmm, tastes like chicken!

Bored with mom's fingers, Cat moves on to better toys....like my camera!

After I shoo her away from it, she looks at me like...What?? I wasn't doing anything....

Kodiak is just down right being silly....

Mom's version of "Whack-a-Coon"

Dozer looking all innocent! Don't let him fool ya...he was one of 10 maniac, crazy coons climbing up and jumping all over me!

Ahhhhh.....finally they move onto other toys so I can exit the pen looking like I walked through a tornado or something.....all wet with dirty paw prints and hair looking like I stuck my finger in a socket, all frizzed out and pulled out of the scrunchy!

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