Friday, August 21, 2009

River's group.

A little fun for River's group on their last day in the small cage. I spent one very long, HOT day moving around 27 raccoons to give the babies more space to run, play and climb. River's group are in the 10ft high cage now and loving it immensely!!! Diesel's group were moved into the big release pen out back and the little kids Peanut, Cinnamon, Phoenix and Raquel are in the pen vacated by Diesel's group. A lot of juggling!!!
RJ and Willie

My sweetheart River and Baloo behind her.

They also discovered the joy of eggs!

Baloo the monster coon. She's still the biggest baby....over 10lbs now!

Einstein enjoying a new toy....he and his siblings Flipper and Willie are the smallest of the group at a little over 6lbs. Look at the difference between him and River in the same toy below him! She's huge too!

River enjoys some tummy tickles from mom.

Had a little visit from one of the skunks last night. He was roaming around near the big pen checking out the area and I'm VERY happy to say that when we startled each other, he was kind enough to hold off on the secret weapon and upon hearing me talk to him, lowered his tail and ambled off.

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