Monday, September 21, 2009

We have raccoons in the first release site!!

One down, two to go! We finally got the first cage set up and filled. Laurie, Lisa and I lugged the damn cage up a steep hill into the woods last week. Not fun! We finally finished putting it together and "decorating" it for the kids yesterday.
Today was moving day! We loaded up Razz, Diesel, Tank, Dozer, Cat, Mack, Goldie, Panda, Kodiak and Grizz into carriers and then proceeded to lug them and supplies up that steep hill!

Once in the pen the carrier doors were opened and the fun began!! The move certainly didn't stress them out and having a new place to explore was so very exciting!

A short rest on Auntie Laurie's shoulder.....

.....then back to running around like maniacs again.

So the gang is officially settled in and will have the next 2 weeks to get used to their new surroundings before the door is open and they are free to go.

1 comment:

  1. Deanna, you are doing such an awsome job! I did not do any coonie babies this year, and prob. next year as well as my own personal release sites have been depleated over the previouse two years of release..and no one here in Texas seems to want to spare any land for raccoons..what a shame, but I can not rehab them in good faith without knowing where they will go free at someday...dont get me wrong, the center was full of them , but for the life of me, i have no clue where they are releasing them. Anywho..I sure do miss my babies..thanks for sharing all the stories of yours!
