Monday, December 21, 2009

Procyon cancrivorus, The Crab-Eating Raccoon

While perusing the Internet one day I came across a story about a rehabilitated crab eating raccoon named Bandit. (the link to his story is below!)

Well I figured most people don't realize there are other types of raccoons out there other than our common raccoon.Soooooo........ let me introduce you to one of our raccoon's cousin, Procyon cancrivorus, the crab eating raccoon.

Photo by Roger Manrique Found from Costa Rica through eastern and western Paraguay, Uruguay, and into northern Argentina, they are smaller than our northern coonies and appear much thinner due to the fact they don't have an undercoat. Living in a nice warm tropical climate these lucky cousins have no need for the thick undercoat that keeps our coonies warm! Basically a smooth coated version of our guys. Breeding season for these guys is July-September as opposed to our January-February season.

The mask and markings are a little different and their tails are slightly longer as well. They kind of look like a cross between our northern raccoon and the coati...also a member of the procyonidae family.

Latin Name - Procyon cancrivorus
Conservation Status - Least Concern
Location - Central & South America
Color - Brown/Grey
Length - 45 - 90 cms (18 - 35 inches)
Tail - 20 - 56 cms (8 - 22 inches)
Weight - 2 - 12 Kgs (4.5 - 26 lbs)
Life Expectancy - Up to 14 Yrs

Click here to read about Bandit. They are just as mischievous as our coonies also!

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