Saturday, January 2, 2010

The domestic kids.

OK...while the furbutts are all tucked away in their den boxes over this stormy holiday weekend, I might as well introduce you to the rest of my rag tag crew. It's not just all wildlife around here after all!
First we have Boo Boo, the only non-rescue around here! I will always have one of these gentle giants and would have gotten a rescue had one been in need at the time....
Next we have Marley....thrown out of a car window down south and left on the sidewalk to die. (Just like our Tosser boy!) Finally rescued by a kind soul...he lost his rear leg due to his injuries, but finally made his way up to MA and into our home. Another gentle soul, who's afraid of his own shadow I might add, he gets along with everyone and everything! You'd never know he was 3 legged either.....faster than most 4 legged animals for sure!!

Boo and Marley became best bud's INSTANTLY!!

Marley's favorite seat is on Boo!

Awwww.....they look like such angels! NOT!! They are maniacs when they are up and horsing around!

On to the cats.....
Cruiser was a tiny kitten found wandering the streets one night while I was working. The officer that found her brought her to the station and of course I HAD to take her!

Then of course Cruiser needed a from another litter of abandoned kittens being fostered....Cuffs came to join us.

Another friend doing feral work came up with this guy in need of a home. He was so beautiful I just had to have him too! LOL So in keeping with the police theme....Rookie joined the crew.

Just a couple months ago 2 more joined our family...

..and his sister Lucy. Both fostered and raised by a friend, they went to live with a friend of hers who ended up passing away. They sat in a kennel from this past March until October while they tried to find a home for them...but being older cats and a little shy, they had no luck. Sooooooooo of course once baby season was over and things quieted down a little here........well you can guess the rest!

We are now one big happy family and everyone gets along great....with the exception of a couple little tiffs between Cruiser and Chubs, all species coexist in peace and harmony......

What can I say...I'm a sucker for an animal in need and I can probably guess more will be added eventually....or maybe some fostering for some unfortunate dogs????

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