Well it wasn't easy....but I parted with the coyote pups on Friday. I really miss them! Many thanks to Jim who was heading to Western Ma. to see the rehabber that was taking them! Our little pups got to hitch a ride and are now safe and sound in their new home and doing well! Thanks Dawn for taking them in.....they couldn't be in a better place! Here they are getting a little outside time before they left.

A sad turn of events for the little robin family. There was one baby being cared for and one morning I checked in on them and no activity at the nest. When I went out and checked I found the poor little baby dead on the ground with a wound. Possibly another bird or chipmunk had gotten to the nest. A rat or coonie wouldn't have left the baby. I was so bummed!

The weather is looking good for the next few days so it looks like I'll be heading out to the release site tonight to send the gang on their way.......more goodbyes.....sigh......
Good day to you my friend. I needed to give you a quick note to express my thanks. I've been studying your blog for a month or so and have picked up quite a lot of good info as well as enjoyed the way in which you've setup your blog. I am attempting to setup my own blog but I feel it is too general. I want to focus more on specific topics. Being all things to all folks isn't all that it’s cracked up to be. Many thanks.