Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A pile of coons!

Kinky finally has company! The beach boys from Salisbury (Tashmoo, Katama, Chappy and Squibby) and Merry and Pip are finally out of quarantine. Eyes are open and they are now one big pig pile of 7 baby coons! Even the tiniest one...Pip (who is the damn cutest little pipsqueak I might add!) is eating like a pro and growing like a weed!Kinky on the left is loving the new extended family!
Coon pile!!!

Phillip and Michelle will be joining them as soon as their quarantine is over and it'll be an even bigger coon pile!
The squirrels went out into the release pen last week and are doing great! In about a week they too will be released and out in the big world!

Yesterday JoAnn brought a group of 12 over and put them in the larger release pen so there are squirrels everywhere now!

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