Saturday, September 18, 2010

No really, there's a seagull in my tub!

JoAnn's 3 possies have settled in nicely and are enjoying a large pen to explore. It didn't take them long to get comfortable and find a nice snack. In a couple weeks they'll have the biggest pen ever to explore.....the great outdoors!

Thursday night while I was working a call came in for an injured seagull, so of course after I got out I had to run over and check it out. He was still there and I had no cages in my I scrounged up a fleece, wrapped the little fella in it, and proceeded to drive home with him in my lap! Luckily it was after 11pm at night because I was one of those annoying people on the road doing a million things while I was driving! Of course I had to call Laurie and tell her I was driving home with a gull in my lap. While talking to her the damn thing managed to find an opening in his "wrap" and used the opportunity for a well placed bite on my finger. Didn't hurt, but scared the ever loving crap outta me! I screamed like a baby into Laurie's ear and swerved a little! Once again the image in my mind....."no officer I have not been drinking, it was the seagull!...he bit me I have not been smoking anything either!" LOL

Right now he's living the high life in my tub until I have a chance to drive him to Jodi who specializes in birds. Wings appear OK other than some large flight feathers missing and he's got one injured leg, but otherwise none the worse for wear and full of piss and vinegar despite the pampering he's getting!


  1. Great pictures!

    I actually have some supplies I would to donate: dog food, kitten food, exam gloves, and bleach.

    I know Laurie from taking my cats and dogs to the Woburn Animal Hospital.

    Please let me know if you'd like this stuff.


  2. Oh absolutely Peggy....thank you so much! As a matter of fact, those are probably the top 4 things we go through like water around here!!! LOL

  3. Hi,

    Great, I also have a large dog crate you can have if you want.

    How do I get in contact with you to hand this stuff off?


  4. Sounds awesome Peggy, can email me at and I'll send you my phone number (or vice versa!) Or if you happen to be at the animal hospital you can always give it to Laurie....we work closely together. I live in Billerica and can swing by anytime to pick it up...or if ya want to see the gang in person you should swing by're more than welcome! :)
