Sunday, November 14, 2010

The new baby!

Here's the new baby! OMG it is the cutest thing!!! Great big thanks go out to Kristy for this cutie was a wonderful surprise!!! If you haven't noticed her blog Mini Menagerie listed in the margin of this one, now is a good time to check it out. The most amazing and TINY little critters....I'm in awe and I don't know how she does it! This is so tiny even my camera couldn't focus on it...and my old eyes probably never will! LOL My picture does it no justice whatsoever...hers are much better and you can see them here.....
It reminds me so much of my little Pip....even the mask is the Pip in PJ's it is!
Thanks so much Kristy!! Love it!


  1. THAT IS AMAZING!!!!! the cutest little baby ever!!!! OOOOOoooooohhhhh!!!!
    and she even has teeny weeny little pj's on!!

  2. Awww thanks Deanna! I'm soooooo happy you like him (er...I guess it's a her). The real Pip is WAY cuter though!!!

  3. oh- it's perfect that this little one has come to live with you- he's so sweet ♥
