Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thank you all...VERY MUCH!

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came by Saturday to help me get some projects done around here! Kristen, Ryan, Sue, Jim, Celine, John, Pat, Mom, Dad, Christine & are awesome!! And for those who couldn't be there in person (Pericles, Kim, Kristy, Jeff, Donna- to name a few!) you were there in spirit and your donations are greatly appreciated!
I wish I had thought to take before and after pictures...but my feet hit the ground running in the morning, starting with a round of feedings and I didn't stop all was all a blur.

My yard is neat and clean now...not a's actually a pleasure to look at.
And my basement......where do I begin! It no longer looks like a bomb exploded in there! The guys worked on getting the shelving moved and set up so I could clear a nice space to have enclosed as an isolation area. Dad is working on that and gathering easy to disinfect materials to build it.

Everything else is cleaned up and organized and in its place. A lot of large garbage bags were hauled outta there too!

All the babies are doing great. 2 new 5wk old squirrels were added to the mix. I anticipate they will be joining Luci and Sweetie in a few days.

All the baby coonies are doing great. The youngest 4 are all taking the bottle more tube feeding! Yayyyyy. Look at the difference in colors on them....ranging from quite blond to very dark brown!

Look at her go! One of Stony's girls, only 4 days old and eating like a pro. One last attempt to reunite was unsuccessful so I'm taking over as mom.

While I was out taking care of the gang last evening I was walking up the trail from the downtown pen when a raccoon ambled across the path in front of me. After my initial heart attack thinking I left a pen unsecured and someone came out to play, I realized it was Scrappy. Must have decided to come out early to cause trouble! LOL

He picked a nice spot in a tree to watch something exciting happening on the pond.

He seems to have finally found a better den than the tree next to his pen to spend his days at least. I still haven't seen Vin in quite some time. If he is still around, he's not coming by until the wee hours of the morning, unlike Scrappy who is out there most early evenings....and still happy to say Hi to me when I check on him. Hopefully Vin's fine. I have heard the familiar sound of an annoyed raccoon in the woods behind the pens and can only imagine he's up to his usual trouble-making activities with the locals now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had so many family and friends to help out- oooohhhhh how I wish I could just fly on over for the weekend to help and fly on back. Of course, I might not have been much help because I would have been begging to feed little raccoon and squirrel babies :) The basement looks great- and that pic of Scrappy in the tree is awesome. Wonder what he was watching :)
