Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The new hedge trimmer.

I only have 2 seconds....but I wanted to show you the new hedge trimmer that arrived today! It's a beauty! :)


  1. LOVE your new trimmer!!
    we have a few like that. they're the BEST! no gas or electric needed...GO GREEN!
    OH, and they're not noisy...and nice to look at! :]

  2. That's really funny! Looks like it's doing a good job too! :-)

  3. oh- that's the kind of trimmer I hope stays to the hedges and stays out of the garden :) I need to find time to catch up with your blog- summer is so busy :)

  4. LOL...I'll never have to worry about the garden....I'm good at growin' furry babies, not green things! ;)
