Monday, July 25, 2011

River and the kids.

Over the course of the last week, River and her brood have moved around a lot! The night Howell was hanging around the pen by himself he kept trying to get back in. So much so that when I stood there and opened the door for him he walked right past me and inside instead of keeping his distance like usual. So I let him stay the night.
The next afternoon I discovered River and the one girl she was with had been rejoined by the 2 that were MIA for a short time, holed up in the den box on the back release pen. So I decided a total family reunion was in order! I managed to get Howell into a carrier and hauled his ass down there and carried him up to his waiting family. He was thrilled beyond words and it was a very happy reunion!

Over the course of the next few days I have encountered them hanging out in the woods.

Eventually they started hanging out in the den box at the main feeding station. I usually encountered all 5 of them together. Yesterday I only noticed River and her usual girl with her and today I didn't notice any of them in there, but that's to be expected. They have been out exploring the local real estate and it's only a matter of time before they find the home of their dreams!

1 comment:

  1. OOooh! too cute!! it's gotta be just so hard to leave...saying goodbye is never easy, right!?
    but one day...they'll each find their own place...out there in the woods!
