Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane refugees.

OK...I'm fed up with Dell....never again! I won't bore you with that. I'm also fed up with Blogger since I just wrote a whole long post here and it didn't save it! So short version....
Here are the cute little babies I got almost 2 weeks ago when their tree was cut down... 

....and here they are with 2 monster babies I took off Laurie's hands (she seemed to get the brunt of the calls for displaced babies from the hurricane) They are refugee's from hurricane related tree issues.

All are happily snuggled in safe and sound together...and how cute are they!?
I lost all my email contacts when my computer if I neglected to get in touch with anyone, you know why! Melinda & Maddy....I have me! :)

1 comment:

  1. oh, they are so very adorable. I've missed your blog- I'm trying to get back to normal now :) Have a wonderful weekend!!
