Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NO cruelty in Billerica!!

Over the past few day I have been totally inundated with calls and emails regarding a post on craigslist!! Here is the original post (posted along with 2 pics of about 3 big, fat, healthy looking raccoons in the back corner of the dumpster) followed by 2 responses. 

Cruelty in Billerica (Billerica)

Date: 2011-11-09, 8:08PM EST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
There is a new daycare center on Treble Cove Drive in Billerica that has been trapping raccoons in their rubbish bins....whilst leaving their rotting garbage outside.

We have saved the poor creatures on a daily basis for the past six months.... placing boards and blankets into the bins to allow them to escape. This evening, the (out of state) staff would not allow the poor creatures to be released, and instead, called the local police to establish their "right" to trap and kill the racoons.

We would appreciate any ideas or assistance you could offer. This is entirely NOT acceptable! These are innocent animals, lured into bins by piles of open garbage. The animals in Billerica have lived side by side with our community for over 400 years, and now that a turnkey daycare centre has interloped into our midst...... all wildlife must die??

The Daycare Centre is located on Treble Cove Road & Biagiotti Wy in Billerica!

We need some ideas and some kind thoughtful people!

God Bless you All!

Location: Billerica

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RE:Cruelty Billerica Daycare Raccoons (Billerica)

Date: 2011-11-15, 7:56PM EST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
I emailed them with some suggestions.

Maybe if enough people contact them, they will see how serious this is and do something about it.

I am a dog lover and have a petsitting business in Chelmsford, so it's disturbing to see a local company being cruel to animals.

The kids' safety is also a huge concern.


Location: Billerica

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PostingID: 2695882422

Re:RE:Cruelty in Billerica (child care takers ???)

Date: 2011-11-16, 7:47AM EST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
are you kidding me and these people are taking care of peoples children , you know what they say about animal abusers they move on to abuse the people , I would try and shut them down, rotten jerks , maybe they should be shut in a garbage dumpster for awhile to freeze n die

Location: child care takers ???

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PostingID: 2705093406

Let me set the record straight!
I have obviously looked into this, being my hometown and all! I can assure you all there is no cruelty whatsoever going on here! They are not trapping and killing these raccoons and they are not intentionally letting them get stuck in there and leaving them there to die. It is a simple and EVER SO COMMON problem.....the raccoons get into the dumpster for the tasty scraps in the garbage and when the pile in there is low, they get stuck and cannot get out. This happens all the time in dumpsters everywhere!

I am on very good terms with Billerica Animal Control. They are VERY proactive when it comes to wildlife, having gone above and beyond many times to help local wildlife. Many a fox, bunny, squirrel or raccoon has been brought to me after being rescued by them. They are aware of the location and have assisted the employees, having them call when raccoons are discovered in there. And every time they have responded that day and simply done what everyone does when finding raccoons stuck in the dumpster.....put a board in to allow them to climb out and escape!!
I am all for protecting the rights and humane treatment of animals obviously! But this has gotten a little out of control with people jumping to conclusions before digging deeper into the issue to find out what the whole story is. Investigate before you lash out, or contact the proper animal welfare authorities to look into it before going on the attack.
For those concerned about coonies that get stuck in dumpsters for a day or so, a little about how they work. This time of year they have packed on tons of extra body fat. Their bodies are designed to do this so during winter, when food is scarce and the weather it to bad to venture out in, they can hole up somewhere where they will go into a state of torpor. Their systems will slow down and they can live off their body fat for a month or more, on top of being living furnaces and staying quite warm!  So with the exception of being stuck in there when the dumpster is being dumped, or hot summer days that lead to obvious dehydration or overheating problems, a raccoon is more likely to be happy as a pig in shit, if you will, being stuck in a big box with daily take out delivery for a day or so than suffering!  ;)

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