Thursday, December 22, 2011

The annual Christmas brunch.

The six of us had our annual Christmas brunch this past Sunday and as usual, a wonderful time for us all! Relaxing, opening gifts, and pigging out on Mary's wonderful home cooking and creative dessert! Of course par for the course, an injured squirrel was delivered in the middle of it all! It wouldn't be a party for us if something wasn't being rescued at the same time!

Mary opens her new looks real, doesn't it! Sue also made her the most incredible hand made lamp! I'll have to get pics the next time I'm at Mary's, the ones I took did not come out well, you just can't make out how amazing it is!
Of course the little man had to come with me to meet everyone! My little clepto proceeded to steal the first gift opened by Laurie! Caught in the act!

After explaining to him stealing is wrong, he decided to hang out with Sue and pout a little while the rest of us opened our gifts! LOL

Seeing as the rest of the gang has had to look at some pretty goofy pics of themselves on here, it was only fair JoAnn and I take our turn! Me and my new waders! A true hick now, LOL...but I'll be dry and warm crossing the swamp! Ah yup!
Mrs. MaGoo here takes the cake though! LOL If JoAnn can't see her tiny little charges with those things on then there is no hope! What a great idea from Laurie though.......she'll be able to see things magnified while having her hands free to hold and take care of the tiny babies! I hate to admit it, but I think we're all going to need those soon!
Rudy was such a good boy (with the exception of the petty larceny earlier!) and is very social with everyone he meets...both furry and human. His good behavior continued when we headed to my parents house right from Mary's for their annual Christmas party.

Whew....what a crazy week it has been with a new puppy, the holidays and the parties! Looking forward to after the holidays and some quiet time!

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