Friday, December 30, 2011

A Christmas visitor.

I am happy to see not all the fox in my area appear to be affected by mange! This beauty was around Christmas morning. I was pretty sure this was not my usual guest that I have been treating. This one has a much nicer coat and a black band around the tail that my foxy doesn't have. (Not to mention Dad saw my foxy hanging around yesterday with her less than perfect coat.)

Beautiful fox in great condition. Stopped by for a little Christmas gift! (or I should say stole one from the birds! LOL)
The suspect then absconded with a small loaf into the woods!

I had a lot of cute pics of the larceny, however there is a very annoying problem going on with uploading my pics to the blog. It takes FOREVER for pics to upload now for some reason. I have been trying since taking these pics and finally I let the computer run all day yesterday trying to "upload"  four pics! I ended up  having to just cancel it and keep trying again doing one at a time. I gave up at 3, hours later! Sorry...but my patience had worn out by that time...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. This is going to be a problem if it is an ongoing issue.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome pix! I only wish I could capture that gift from Nature!...:)JP
