Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy BDay Lisa and Nancy & David's friends!

First of all a GREAT BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lisa! I think she's 29.....again! LOL We'll be celebrating that big time at my place this coming week....can't wait!

Here are some adorable pictures sent to me by a wonderful fan, Nancy. Her husband, David Altman, is a professional photographer and got these pics of the lovely backyard family they have become friends with! They are Maxine Maxwell, Chloe Ruxpin, Cinnafur Ruxpin (Grandma, Mom and daughter) and Baby.

Grandma Maxine is the adorable one here enjoying an ice cream cone! How cute. She was a regular visitor and friend for 5 years!

Looks like Baby doesn't want to be left out....where's my cone! LOL

And another cute one of Chloe and Zoe napping in a tree.
It's great to know others enjoy sharing their space with our wildlife, like myself and Phillip and Michelle....and like to sit back and enjoy their company as opposed to driving them off or killing them!

Don't stop sharing your stories with me people....I love knowing there are others like us out there and it's great to tell happy stories of you enjoying our lovely furbutts!

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