Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A pleasant fox update.

Well I am very happy to report that  the fox I had feared dead with a terrible case of mange appears to be doing well!  This one had a totally hairless tail and it's face was quite affected the last time I had seen it on the motion camera. It was not as predictable as my other one and I was never actually sure if it got any of the medicated meals left out there...where the other was kind enough to ingest all its mice for me to witness!
What makes me think it is that particular fox is the tail fur. Now, mind you, these pics actually make this one look better than it is! But there is new hair growth....the longer red fur around the neck, shoulder and sides is growing in long and nice. The areas that look like shorter fur is in fact starting to grow back in, but it is still pretty mangy looking in person. And the tail....still partially hairless but not totally anymore. Lots of new, lovely fur growing in there!
The eyes are bright and alert....not as mange encrusted as they used to be.
A lovely spring to it's gait and not plagued by itching. Able to see enough and active enough to hunt, I am finally quite hopeful for my fox population out here!
This one prefers looking by the feeding area across the front yard for morsels as opposed to the landscaped island on the opposite side of the front lawn. So I will redouble my efforts to make sure this one continues to improve by baiting that area as well as the island with the hopes both continue to get their doses! Since they both generally like to visit between 10am and 3pm, and since I have a clear view from inside the house to those areas, I should be able to keep a pretty good eye on who got what and when!
Calling all these foxes Foxy is getting too confusing. So I guess, at least while I can tell them apart, I'll call this one Lucky. The healthy one I saw on Christmas....lets say Holly? and Foxy can be the one that started it all!

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