Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lucky Goose!

First just let me say what a tease last week was! Beautiful, perfect, warm, sunny weather! Now it's below freezing, with an even colder wind chill....and it SUCKS!!! OK...sorry, just had to get that rant out and over with! :)

On Sunday Jules from work called to see if I could help with an injured Canada goose. It had flown up into some power lines, then fell stunned to the ground. But he seemed OK, as the caller watched he started to fly off again....unfortunately right into a truck! Talk about having a bad day! The officer had no trouble gathering him up and transporting him to the station (thanks guys!) where I picked him up and brought him to Tuft's. On initial evaluation, he was a little out of it and had an injured toe.
I called and spoke to Robin today and I'm pleased to say he is doing well! He's on pain meds, has a splinted, dislocated toe, and is more bright and alert and eating well. Things are looking good for the big guy and hopefully I'll be able to return him home at some point.

I am guessing one of my bat houses is not being utilized by bats!
I really can not see up into any of them to even check if bats are using them, but it's a pretty good bet this nesting material does not belong to them! I have yet to see the true invader, and honestly wouldn't have even known there was one if not for this. My guess is a red or some type of bird, or maybe even flyers since I have seen no daytime activity around it. It's on a metal pole but not unlikely for a red to climb up there, although a flyer soaring over there during the nights would explain a lot! Wish the trail cameras were working so I could put one on it and see for sure!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Boys.

Wake up boys....it's spring and it's warm!
Bama is still keeping his distance. It's not going to be fun trying to round him up for release!
One of Laurie's boys acts all tough and huffy when I go in there, but he's always following me around like a lost puppy until I finally reach up and scratch his chin! I think he's just putting on a show for the other boys trying to keep up the tough guy image.

Cooper is always happy to come out and say Hi.
Cute photo op....take my pic mom!
Bama did finally decide to come out, but he's still not coming anywhere near me!
Chester, happy as usual and always up for a visit.

Boston, just like Chicken, isn't about to show us more than this view.
When mom's around, food is around! Chester knows this better than any of them and begins looking for all the hiding places.
And speaking of boys......I had a late night visit that TOTALLY made my day after being pretty bummed about a squirrel death early in the day. (Long story short, one of my locals, a slightly neurologic girl that I've been keeping my eye on, made a leap from quite high up. She missed the tree she was aiming for and hit the top edge of one of the coon pens. I scooped her up but she passed shortly thereafter.)
Anyway, after getting home from work last night, it was so nice out and the sound of the peepers and the ducks and geese squawking on the pond was so relaxing, I decided to poke around out there and put out some cans of food for any of the gang if they were around. While finishing up at the main platform out back I was finally rewarded with a pair of eyes coming in for a visit. I fully expected to see River's dark face but was totally thrilled to discover it was Gibby! (I had seen him out there a week or so ago, but it was extremely windy and he was too skittish for more than a quick acknowledgement before he ran off into the brush.)
At first he just got up onto the platform to investigate what I was doing, then wandered back onto the ground. Next thing I know he's pawing at my leg. When I bent down to scratch him, he proceeded to wrap his arms around my neck and insist I pick him up and hold him like the old days! Thanks for the hug little buddy, I needed it!
I'm so happy to say he looks healthy and handsome as ever!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Girls!

Finally.....with the lovely warm weather it is a pleasure to venture into the woods and take care of the gang!
Spring fever has finally hit the coonies too! No more refusing to get out of a cozy, warm den box. It's spring, we're feeling frisky...woooo hooooo! Time to come out an visit mom and have some fun! Four of the girls are a little more eager than the rest to see me and get outside into the warm air!
Porcelain and Pebbles
Laurie's little girl came out, but kept her distance! She was not feeling the love at all.

Pebbles and Isles again....because I couldn't keep them away from me! When they want to play, they want to play....they'll hound me until I leave the pen!!

This was all I was going to see of Chicken! Well that, and part of one paw she stretched out to grab some treats from me.

I wish I could tell you what Rizzoli was up to here....but words elude me! Perhaps she's just a natural in front of the camera, showing us her sexy pose? Insert cat call here, LOL!
Pretty soon it'll be time for the big release........

Monday, March 19, 2012


Spring is here and we are expecting calls for new babies any time now. A call Saturday from Andrea at McGrath's brought me this guy though! He was quite the character!
My intention was to bring him to Tuft's Sunday morning, however after Laurie came over to help check him out, it was discovered his wound was quite severe and not fixable. Not the way I wanted to start the spring, but he had to be euthanized. Bummer.

On a much better note....Hissy and the Missus are back! Back to our usual daily visit when they see me down there and come rushing over! I love it. I don't know where they go for the winters, but it's obviously a safe place thank god! I still want to try to figure out why they suddenly showed up last year banded. I always know, regardless of the actual date, it's officially spring when these 2 show up!

Everyone is feeling it! The reds are definitely enjoying it! Especially since they spent the winter in the big pen, instead of the little black one next to it, the one they would have been in!

All 7 are doing great and loving the sunny warm weather! All of them are out chattering at me when i go in to feed them instead of huddling in a warm nest box. As soon as the leaves re-appear on the trees the release door will be opened and wait till they see the trees they can climb then!

I've got the outside water on and I'm getting the rehab gear out and ready. Even the coons are enjoying the spring weather....actually venturing out when I go in to clean the pens. Some even feeling frisky enough to play a little! I'll have those pics for you soon!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thank you all!

The fundraiser on Sunday was a wonderful time and great success thanks to all of you, our awesome supporters! We cannot thank you all enough!! Though not there in person, Phillip & Michelle kicked it off to a great start....you were there in spirit for sure! Thank you so much!

We had a full house and a great time and it was awesome to be putting money into our supporters pockets as well! Ya can't beat that!
Lots of good food, good friends and fun, fun, fun!
JoAnn....without the Mr. Magoo goggles this time!
A lovely picture of Laurie's son and his girlfriend....well, except for Laurie lurking in the background! LOL
Laurie and my mom!
Laurie's mom and grandmother learn how rich they are!
Big thanks to Dale who did all the work! She was busy from the time she got there at 3 right up until about 11pm! Not a single break....I don't know how she did it!
Anna and Maris
My mom chatting with Heather and her lovely daughter and Carol, the amazing creator of the quilt hanging on the great room wall!
My beautiful sister-in-law Christine and Lisa (she used to dispatch with me). I don't know how Lisa did it...she's due in 7 weeks and spent the day at a parade with her young son then most of the night here. I would have been whining on the couch begging for a foot rub had I been her!
The weather was absolutely beautiful too, so people could head outside and take a peek at any residents willing to show themselves......there was a ham or two willing to show off of course!

The Woburn Animal Hospital gang.

Holy crap! I'm getting how much!?! LOL
We also raffled off some goodies....
Celine & Christine! (Thanks for the goodies for the gang and the mommy Celine! ;) )
...and I really wish you could see the adorable owl earrings Stephanie won! I thought I got it in the shot...grrrr! Trust me when I say they looked awesome on her....perfect with the owl ring!
My cousins Christina, Michelle and Kathleen with Mom, Christine and Celine.

Boo Boo is cheating on me! LOL He sure knows how to get the attention he wants!
It wouldn't be a party without this shot at the end of the night now, would it?! LOL
It was a great night! Thanks to everyone who came and all those that have supported us all along. This post would go on forever if I attempted to list you all here....but you all know who you are and we love ya! We certainly couldn't do it without all of you and we are eternally grateful!