Monday, March 19, 2012


Spring is here and we are expecting calls for new babies any time now. A call Saturday from Andrea at McGrath's brought me this guy though! He was quite the character!
My intention was to bring him to Tuft's Sunday morning, however after Laurie came over to help check him out, it was discovered his wound was quite severe and not fixable. Not the way I wanted to start the spring, but he had to be euthanized. Bummer.

On a much better note....Hissy and the Missus are back! Back to our usual daily visit when they see me down there and come rushing over! I love it. I don't know where they go for the winters, but it's obviously a safe place thank god! I still want to try to figure out why they suddenly showed up last year banded. I always know, regardless of the actual date, it's officially spring when these 2 show up!

Everyone is feeling it! The reds are definitely enjoying it! Especially since they spent the winter in the big pen, instead of the little black one next to it, the one they would have been in!

All 7 are doing great and loving the sunny warm weather! All of them are out chattering at me when i go in to feed them instead of huddling in a warm nest box. As soon as the leaves re-appear on the trees the release door will be opened and wait till they see the trees they can climb then!

I've got the outside water on and I'm getting the rehab gear out and ready. Even the coons are enjoying the spring weather....actually venturing out when I go in to clean the pens. Some even feeling frisky enough to play a little! I'll have those pics for you soon!

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