Sunday, May 19, 2013

Some quick updates....

The coyote pup we got in Pepperell is living the life! She went out to Western MA to our wonderful friend and incredible coyote and fox rehabber, Dawn! Thanks so much Dawn, we know she has it made with you.
Even luckier for our little girl, Dawn happened to have a mom coyote in with her own 5 pups about the same age! Mom was very good and allowed our little girl to integrate into her own brood. Yayyyy! There she is on the left, sitting up and looking at the camera.
 And here she is with her new mom! She is definitely much happier with her than she was with us!
There have been a lot of new additions, squirrels and raccoons, around here so I have not had as much time on the computer to post updates as I would like! Three more raccoons from the Animal Rescue League and one from Tom, the Arlington ACO are settled in  and doing great. I'm happy to report that all the babies brought here are healthy and doing great! I'll try to get an update in pictures soon. That brings me up to about 29 raccoons. Laurie has at least 20 and Lisa has begun to handle some of the overflow! We are a little full right now with raccoons! (On top of the other various squirrels, possies and other critters!
Picasso has joined Romeo, Juliette, the Rowley 4, Rikki, Tikki, Tavi and Bear. He's thrilled to have friends! The 4 brothers from Reading, Newton (as I have come to call the little guy brought by the very nice family from Newton) and the ARL female brought in the same day are all together as a group and happy to be snuggling with someone! The 6 Brockton babies are a handful all by themselves, so for now they are going to stay their own little group, and in about a week, the 3 new ARL babies and the single from Arlington will be able to join other babies.
I picked up an injured adult at work this past week who is now settled in Laurie's pen. Aside from minor injuries, he appears to be OK. He is getting around, climbing well and eating and drinking, so it appears a little time to recover and rest is all he will need. Rufer, as Laurie has named him (I got him off the porch roof of a home), should do just fine and eventually get released back where I found him.
Brandy, the injured adult I had here, has been released as well! The mom raccoon that went into labor in my car and was settled at Mary's is doing great! Her babies are doing well and Mary has expanded her world by allowing her access into the huge pen she has. Mom immediately went out to explore, found the larger den box in there, and proceeded to move all her babies into it. Must be like the Ritz Carleton to her after settling into a 30pack beer box out of desperation the day she went into labor!
I'm getting ready to head outside to clean out squirrel pens so I can start moving some of the older squirrels out....right after I try to sneak in a cup of coffee for myself to keep me going......Oh the madness of baby season!!!

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