Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome Bear and Digger.

A few updates on the raccoon front! This adorable little man came in Sunday. He was apparently found by some workmen somewhere in Boston. The woman that brought him left him outside for 2 nights before calling. I only wish she had called for advice before trying that. He came in very emaciated, cold and depressed. Non in good shape at all.

After warming up he's got a little more life in him....and is he cute or what!
Where's Waldo? LOL! He thoroughly enjoys his fur to snuggle with. Every time I check on him he is either under or on top of his "pseudo mom".
Lift the fur up and he's sound asleep under there! This picture is actually deceiving....his body condition looks rather good in this one, but I think it's the flash...
 It's hard to tell through all the fur anyway, but here you can see a little better how scrawny he looks....and that he's soooo happy to be snuggling! He has been on a re-feeding schedule and I am just starting to introduce regular formula to his clinicare. He is getting stronger every feeding and is eagerly sucking down his bottles now. I am optimistic but reserved....sometimes animals that come in this starved bounce back and seem fine, however the damage to certain organs has already been done and they crash. So lets send positive thoughts his way!
Unfortunately we lost little Itty. He was the weaker of the 2 tiny ones found on a sidewalk. But Bitty is going strong and thriving. He's still quite small for his age and will probably develop a lot slower than the rest of the gang, but he's a tenacious little dude! 
He is in with the 3 babies brought in by the Animal Rescue League (Rikki, Tikki and Tavi) so he has some company! They are all about the same age, but he's so much smaller! It certainly makes it easy to tell them apart.
One more has been added to the crew. This girl is the lone survivor of a terrible accident. The DPW crew were working on a street in Chelmsford. The excavator dug into the street to tear it up and unbenounced to them, dug right into the den. Mom was probably using some drainage pipes of some type, and all but this little girl were killed. So very sad!
Surprisingly not a mark on her! And what a chunky little monkey she is! She should be, she was very well taken care of by mom, and it was a very short time period between rescue and delivery to us! She's about half of Bitty's age and weighs about 50 grams more!

Needless to say Digger has settled in quite comfortably and will be able to join Bitty's crew soon.
Not to be left out, the original 6 are doing great! Romeo and Juliette have grown so much and are getting big! The Rowley 4 (Sampson, Delilah, Bonnie and Clyde), have opened their eyes and are shacking up with Romeo and Juliette. They're awesome!


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