Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The new pen is up and running!

Well it's official! The new pen is officially full! A little emergency situation sort of forced us to spend all day Monday working on it. I got home Sunday night, after Laurie and I spent the day running around to old release sites collecting the den boxes, feeders etc., to find that 3 of Laurie's crew escaped their pen. Tenacious little buggers found a way out! I managed to catch them, but once they learned how,  there was no delaying the inevitable.
It's not totally finished, but it's secured and able to be occupied. Some exterior stuff still needs to be done, and the inside needs a lot more decor etc., but Laurie's 12 and Sweetie's group of 14 seem perfectly thrilled with it! As well they should be with a 10x24 foot pen to run around like maniacs in!! :)
I'm happy to say that both groups got along great....like they were friends all along....with the exception of Sweetie, who was a total contradiction to her name!

Whew...what a relief to have the room!
Many thanks go out to some wonderful friends and family who gave up weekend days to help build it for us! Ted (designer extraordinaire!) , John S., John M., Sue, Jim,Dad, Ernie, Mike and Mark. And of course all of you, our wonderful supporters, whose donations covered what the NWRA grant didn't. It takes a village............ours is the best!! 

On a sadder note.....this adorable little guy came in while we were finishing up the pen. A very late baby! He was found on the ground under a tree. It had been at least a couple of days, though the finder did attempt to feed him. He was a little cold and had some respiratory sounds, but seemed in fairly good shape otherwise.  I was very saddened and surprised to find him dead first thing in the morning. I have a feeling pneumonia, aspiration or due to being cold too long, may have been the issue and it was just too much for his little body to handle. Rest easy little man. :(

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the little one didn't make it, but seeing all the pix of the pen and the others tell me they love it as much as you!...:)JP
