Monday, December 22, 2014

A little video fun!

Well, now that things are a little quieter, I've had some time to go through some of the various videos from this past year. Some are interesting, some just darn cute and all of them will give you a little peak into raccoon enjoy!

Early spring and summer is when all my local wild girls start to come out more frequently. Most of my time taking care of the crew in the outdoor pens, I am accompanied by them as they claim first dibs on whatever I have, or just like to hang around and follow me on my rounds. 
Belle is no exception. We've been through a lot together since 2006 and we will always be buddies.

She also tends to follow me on my know, just in case I'm holding back with something better for someone else! She's smart enough to defer to the bolder of the geese though!

The mom's with kits old enough to travel are out and about a lot too! This one has her hands full with 5 of them!

It is always good to see Dandy and her kits! She's a special girl who was lucky enough to have Dr. McGrath fix her up and make it possible for her to be released again! It's been years since her surgery and it's great to see her still doing so well.

No one screws with the raccoons around here either! For the most part, if the raccoons don't want the coyote near, they make it well known and are constantly chasing them off. This time of year, some of the raccoons are almost as big as the coyotes! I wouldn't screw with them either! You'll notice the skunk never even bats an eye! LOL

Seems like a never-ending supply of raccoons every year!

 The Winery babies needed a clean up after a messy bowl feeding. What better way to do it than make it a playtime in the tub!

Feeding time can be a little crazy and messy when starting to get some of them on solids.

After playtime, it's time to sort them out and get food down for the weaned kits and bottles ready for the non-weaned kits.

After eating, more playtime! It's always playtime as far as raccoons are concerned! 

 When Tilt came in he had a very obvious head tilt! By the time he was released, it was totally gone!

Already much improved here!

The Townsed babies were in very rough shape when they came in. Very emaciated and dehydrated, they were constantly sucking on their penises, causing additional problems. Nothing a little homemade raccoon onesie couldn't solve!

Fast forward and the Townsend Twins are re hydrated, have gained some weight and are more focused on having fun than sucking their penises!

Then we have Tuk. He had a little trouble fitting in out among the wild ones at first. Always getting beat up and relying on refuge here, meeting up with me like clockwork when I was out caring for the outside crew.

But it wasn't long before he found his niche out there! And I'm guessing the massive size he grew to had a lot to do with it! I don't see him everyday anymore, but he's doing well and finally taking care of himself.

Just a few of the many over this past season. Hard to believe all that craziness is gone now and most of the wild crew out there (including Tuk) have settled into less time coming out, and more time staying holed up safe and warm. Most of them I will not see anymore until spring, when once again, the nice weather brings them out to visit and spend time with Mom!

1 comment:

  1. I am so jonesing for some baby raccoons! Thanks for posting these wonderful videos.

    Connie P
