Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lots of new babies coming in!

We have added a few new additions around here! This very adorable little man was one of 4 that fell out of it's nest when the eaves of the roof gave way. Mom took off running with one and the rest were set up in a reuniting box in the hopes she would come back. The next morning, 2 more were gone and just little Francis was left. Brought him in, re-hydrated him, and set him up again for one more night.

Unfortunately mom did not come back for him, so he is all settled in here now! He's gorgeous! Very blond with dark points like a Siamese cat!

After his quarantine, he was thrilled to be able to join our original 3, Star, Stripe and Glory. They have grown like weeds, eyes are open and look nothing like the aliens they resembled 3 weeks ago! A little smaller and much darker than Francis, but one big happy family now.

Three new additions came in last night from Tuft's. Two girls and a boy. I believe they were just taken right out of an attic or chimney nest and brought to Tuft's after mom was chased off. Unknown from where so a reunite is not possible. Very sad, as there is probably a frantic mother out there who was doing a wonderful job with these 3. It would have been so simple to get rid of them while keeping the family intact. But at least these guys are safe and quite healthy.

In one fell swoop, 11 squirrels were brought in by the ARL! It appears a building was being torn down or renovated in Boston. Someone went through the building and took all the squirrel nests out, then left them at the ARL. Once again, very healthy babies taken away from their moms when there were other options. All are doing great, and we will be dividing and conquering them between us over the weekend! Mary has already picked up 2 to go in with a singleton she has that is about the same age. :)

I think my friend TeeGee is back! I didn't go outside to officially say Hi and check, because she was hanging out with some friends and I didn't want to scare them off....

....but there is only one turkey I know that makes a B-line for her favorite hang out under the bird feeders! The rest are too skittish to get so close.

Laurie has more raccoons and squirrels, and JoAnn has already gotten the first cottontails of the season. Things are officially in full swing!

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