Monday, May 11, 2009

River has parvo!

Forgive my absence....It has been a long week. After days of River eating, then not eating, then eating etc....we know why. It was not teething as I had hoped...through it all she was acting fine and normal poops. Then bam...Thursday we have vomiting and diarrhea. I sent a poop sample to Laurie to be tested for parvo and it came back positive. After a weekend of intensive supportive therapy I am guarded......she is hungry again and I have started her on small meals of clinicare. So far no vomiting and no fact got some solid poop out of her! Appetite comes and goes and no signs of ataxia yet so lets pray for the best.......
Now I am holding my breath hoping the other 8 do not start showing signs in the next week....I can only hope my quarantine procedures hold up. It's as good as it can be in the home rehab setting without proper isolation rooms!
On a little better note, Razz is not alone anymore as he has joined the Fab 5 eating machines. Although technically the other 8 were out of quarantine, it has been extended until I know for sure they have not been exposed to the parvo.
Got a couple new non-coon kids in as well and JoAnn released 7 baby bunnies this past weekend...I'll update you with them when I get another moment to breathe!!


  1. Hi
    I volunteer with a wildlife rehabilitator and I believe I have had a problem with parvo. I noticed the stool looking not right so I looked it up and by the first time I seen this, I had two die in 2 days. By the end of the week even though I isolated what I could I lost 5 more. I have 4 four month old's that are not showing signs yet but they were in the same area the others were. Three little ones that I noticed today didn't eat any thing. Stool looks fine though. I'm a wreck and don't know what to do. Do you have any suggestion on better isolation procedures and disinfecting procedures. I use bleach for every thing. I was wondering how you saved river? I have to say your babies are beautiful. I love following your site. Keep up the great work. Thanks for your suggestions. Tracey (confused and frustrated with losing my babies.)

  2. Are you sure it's parvo? They usually don't have normal stools with parvo. Could also be distemper.....can you email me at it will be easier that way....
