Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Strutting their stuff & a red tail hawk rescued.

My sister in law called me today. Her mom had an injured hawk in her yard so I headed over there to check it out. Sure enough it was definitely in need of rescue....so I donned my leather gloves, grabbed a blanket and snagged me a hawk. The Animal Rescue League was kind enough to pick it up to transport it to Tufts since I had to get to work and couldn't drive it out there myself. I didn't like the look of one of the wings so my fingers are crossed for the poor thing.
I was out yesterday doing the usual rounds. I was standing at the ponds edge calling to Hissy for our usual visit. Soon enough he rounds a corner....and surprise, the Mrs. was with him too! I haven't seen her in a while. Then an even bigger surprise!!! Babies!! They were swimming so close up mom's butt I didn't even see them until she turned sideways. The proud parents came in for a treat and to relax and show off the new brood!

Only 2 this year...last year they had 4, then adopted 2 more later on.....

Hanging out, the kids are snuggled under mom on the right while Hissy keeps an eye out on the left.

I've got 2 female turkeys hanging out on a regular basis this year. Soon this guy showed up strutting his stuff! Although I don't know who he is trying to impress here as the girls were no where to be seen at this time! He was making quite a racket too....the cats were enthralled!!

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