Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trooper's gang reunited & other goings-on!

Houdini has fit right in with Petey, Pinner and Spencer! All 4 get along very well and Houdini's wounds are healing very well.
Houdini smiles for the camera.
Petey enjoys some apple.
Little Spencer says Hi!
All 4 of them have been moved outside finally, into the pen vacated by Trooper and the whole gang. They are loving it out there and have been joined by 2 of Laurie's kids, Cooper and Mayhem and all 6 are getting along perfectly.

In the meantime.....all the older maniacs are taking full advantage of the big pen! With a lot more room to run around in, more height and trees to climb and a pool, it is raccoon heaven as far as they are concerned.
Their biggest decision of the day....chicken necks or apples? Hmmmm...tough choice! LOL
Once a coveted chicken neck is chosen, it's time to run off and HIDE away from everyone else so they don't have to share it! Soldier wasted no time escaping with his!
Brim in his hiding spot of choice. Look at those ears! Remind  you of another Dumbo-esk coonie from the past? I'll give you a hint.....Seeker! We can contact life on planets far, far away with those ears...hehe.
The lovely Miss Porcelain.
With one ear, Doc is always easy to spot.
It doesn't take long for 19 baby coons to trash a nice clean pool...but Rocco is enjoying a swim anyway.
Sammy looking a little guilty if ya ask me!
Bobbing for whats left of the apples.
I'm not positive, but that looks like Sis's butt to me.
Trooper after I snatched him up before he could cause the mayhem I knew he was planning! I think his look says it all....."what? what'd I do?!" Nothing this time you little bugger! LOL
Bama, Springer, Chester, Rizzoli, Isles, Legend and Tumbler eagerly await their chance to get in there!
Minutes later I obliged them...and oh what a fun time was had by all!

1 comment:

  1. They are soooo sweet...bobbing for apples and I LOVE those ears on Seeker...:)JP
