Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trooper's gang reunited & other goings-on!

Houdini has fit right in with Petey, Pinner and Spencer! All 4 get along very well and Houdini's wounds are healing very well.
Houdini smiles for the camera.
Petey enjoys some apple.
Little Spencer says Hi!
All 4 of them have been moved outside finally, into the pen vacated by Trooper and the whole gang. They are loving it out there and have been joined by 2 of Laurie's kids, Cooper and Mayhem and all 6 are getting along perfectly.

In the meantime.....all the older maniacs are taking full advantage of the big pen! With a lot more room to run around in, more height and trees to climb and a pool, it is raccoon heaven as far as they are concerned.
Their biggest decision of the day....chicken necks or apples? Hmmmm...tough choice! LOL
Once a coveted chicken neck is chosen, it's time to run off and HIDE away from everyone else so they don't have to share it! Soldier wasted no time escaping with his!
Brim in his hiding spot of choice. Look at those ears! Remind  you of another Dumbo-esk coonie from the past? I'll give you a hint.....Seeker! We can contact life on planets far, far away with those ears...hehe.
The lovely Miss Porcelain.
With one ear, Doc is always easy to spot.
It doesn't take long for 19 baby coons to trash a nice clean pool...but Rocco is enjoying a swim anyway.
Sammy looking a little guilty if ya ask me!
Bobbing for whats left of the apples.
I'm not positive, but that looks like Sis's butt to me.
Trooper after I snatched him up before he could cause the mayhem I knew he was planning! I think his look says it all....."what? what'd I do?!" Nothing this time you little bugger! LOL
Bama, Springer, Chester, Rizzoli, Isles, Legend and Tumbler eagerly await their chance to get in there!
Minutes later I obliged them...and oh what a fun time was had by all!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moving to the big pen.

With River and her gang out of the big pen, it was time to move some of the babies in. So I moved the bigger of the babies...Trooper, Soldier, Sammy, Rocco, Doc and Sis over there and boy are they loving it! I was hesitant to put the smaller of that crew in there, but they have to get used to the height at some point, and although they are small for their age, developmentally they are where they should be....just like the bigger ones. So I'm getting ready to move Lucky, Ducky, Porcelain, Pebbles, Brim and Spit in there with them. They will be able to interact through a window with Bama and his crew and eventually all join up as one big crew. Then let the games begin!
Soldier again.
Sis and I'm not sure who's on top there!
Trooper troublemaker! Yup...he's the new one for this year!
Soldier and Doc
A long day of play makes for sleepy babies!

Monday, July 25, 2011

River and the kids.

Over the course of the last week, River and her brood have moved around a lot! The night Howell was hanging around the pen by himself he kept trying to get back in. So much so that when I stood there and opened the door for him he walked right past me and inside instead of keeping his distance like usual. So I let him stay the night.
The next afternoon I discovered River and the one girl she was with had been rejoined by the 2 that were MIA for a short time, holed up in the den box on the back release pen. So I decided a total family reunion was in order! I managed to get Howell into a carrier and hauled his ass down there and carried him up to his waiting family. He was thrilled beyond words and it was a very happy reunion!

Over the course of the next few days I have encountered them hanging out in the woods.

Eventually they started hanging out in the den box at the main feeding station. I usually encountered all 5 of them together. Yesterday I only noticed River and her usual girl with her and today I didn't notice any of them in there, but that's to be expected. They have been out exploring the local real estate and it's only a matter of time before they find the home of their dreams!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fundriaser fun!

Our fundraiser at Flatbread's was spectacular! So many of our wonderful friends, family and supporters came out in full force to show their support...THANK YOU ALL! And thanks to Flatbread for letting us have it and special thanks to Kristen who got the ball rolling and pretty much organized the whole thing!...and the Billerica Cat Care Coalition for getting the word out and coming by to support us! You all rock!!!
And look! I even got a picture of Lisa where she's not sleeping!!LOL Awesome! Great picture of Lisa and Mary!
...and Mary's sisters.
Sue's hubby Jim and John the Belmont ACO...he's one of the good guys and has done a lot to help us and the wildlife he encounters...a true Animal Control Officer (not to be mistaken with those Dog (only!) Officers) that cares about ALL the animals!
My absolute biggest fan/supporter/volunteer/you name it he does it person...Dad!! I think his choice of attire for the evening says it all! LOL
Sue and Jim....always there when you need them and very handy with tools!!!
Laurie's sister-in-law and family.
Daphne and Mark. The day they found Willie, Einstein and Flipper was the beginning of a beautiful friendship!! And many after Willie have them to thank for a wonderful place to be released and live.
JoAnn and her crew...hubby Manny and the guys from the gym! I hear so much about was great to finally meet them! And my lovely Niece is in there too...she snuck her way into a few pics around the place! LOL
The crew at Woburn Animal least the 4 that would sit still for a pic! LOL Laurie, Lisa and Dr's Rice and Grange.
Mom, Dad, Aunt Deanna and Uncle Jack...and my niece again!
My wonderful sister-in-law with the kids! Please say a prayer for them and her Dad who passed away a couple days ago. Papa is with the angels now but he will be sorely missed.
Laurie's wonderful hubby :)
Dr. (Auntie to the coonies!) Bruce and Andrea from McGrath's.
Laurie's awesome dad! If it wasn't for him a LOT of the release pens and cages wouldn't have made it to their destinations! Her mom was there too....and I thought I had an awesome pic of them both until I downloaded them and as usual, so blurry you could hardly tell what the pic was! 

The rest of the McGrath's crew.
It was a wonderful, crazy night and again, words don't seem like enough, but  I want to thank you all so much for helping out! It is ever so greatly appreciated!